Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I've been neglecting my blog for a good while now due to the fact that I've been busy with other things. I've created a Flickr portfolio to showcase some of my stuff in a more orderly way for art directors and such. I'm about to begin participation in the Cream City Illustrators Art Marathon tomorrow, and am currently participating again in my good friend Keith Ikeda-Barry's 'Thirty Day Project'. Needless to say, this is going to be a VERY busy June. Here's stuff from the last 12 days on the Thirty Days Project (I missed day 9)

Day 12 
Day 11

Day 10
  Day 08 

 Day 07 

Day 06
Days 04 & 05 (WIP) 
Day 03

  Day 02 

  Day 01 
 (I can't seem to find. LOL. It was just some sketches. I apparently used sketches from this day in a compilation of other sketches I posted on Day 06. This was completely unintentional. I swear!) 

 This is a series of prints I made for the INK!!! show in March.

And this is a self-portrait I did for a local Drink & Draw