Thursday, April 24, 2008

30 Days - Work

I meant to post images of my submissions a long time ago. The problem was that I got really busy and I forgot all about it. So here are the things I've done so far. I didn't get anything up until the sixth day due to our move.

(day 6)

(day 7)

(day 8)

(day 9)

(day 10)

(day 11)

(day 12)

(day 13)

(day 14)

(day 15)

(day 16)

(day 17)

(day 18)

(day 19)

(day 20)

(day 21)

(day 22)

(day 23)

(day 24)

(day 25)

(day 26)

(day 27)

(day 28)

(day 29)

...and that's it. I missed day 30 due to beers getting in my way. All in all I like the kooky things I did for this and I could feel myself getting more and more comfortable with my ever developing working process.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

30 DAYS APRIL 2008

30 DAYS APRIL 2008

I've had the good fortune to be able to participate in my friend Keith's 30 Days project. I participated in the 2006 one. Unfortunately for me this one began as was going through my hellish move. So, dear readers, you won't see my name pop up until day six. I will be posting the things that I have done for 30 days on this blog also. So keep that RSS feed locked!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Moving cont'd.

Well I've finished moving into our new house. But man, I was so sore yesterday that I could barely walk, at times it felt like there were tiny explosions going on in my body. All of my drawing materials, including my computer, are all buried in various places, so it'll be a while before I can get anything up unless it's my pencil sketches.